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Health and Safety Policy

LastAct Ltd 

LastAct Studios, Old Saw Mills, Marsh Brows, Formby, Merseyside, L37 3PD


1. Statement of Intent

LastAct Ltd is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of all students, staff, volunteers, visitors, and contractors involved with the school. We recognise our responsibility to provide a safe environment for young people aged 3 to 18 years and adults. This policy outlines our commitment to compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all relevant regulations and guidance.


2. Scope

This policy applies to all activities, premises, and individuals associated with LastAct Ltd, including:

  • Students (ages 3–18 and adults)

  • Staff (teachers, administrators, and support personnel)

  • Volunteers and contractors

  • Visitors, including parents and guardians


3. Responsibilities

3.1. Management Responsibilities

The management team of LastAct Ltd will:

  • Ensure compliance with health and safety legislation.

  • Provide adequate resources for health and safety.

  • Conduct regular risk assessments and implement control measures.

  • Maintain safe premises, equipment, and working practices.

  • Ensure staff and volunteers are trained in health and safety procedures.

  • Monitor and review the health and safety policy annually.

3.2. Staff and Volunteer Responsibilities

Staff and volunteers must:

  • Follow all health and safety procedures.

  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others.

  • Report any hazards, incidents, or near-misses immediately.

  • Participate in health and safety training as required.

3.3. Student Responsibilities

Students are encouraged to:

  • Follow safety instructions provided by staff.

  • Use equipment and facilities safely.

  • Report any concerns or hazards to a member of staff.

3.4. Parental/Guardian Responsibilities

Parents/guardians must:

  • Ensure students are appropriately dressed and equipped for classes.

  • Inform the school of any medical or health concerns relevant to their child.


4. Risk Assessments

  • Risk assessments will be conducted for all activities, premises, and equipment.

  • Specific attention will be given to activities involving young children and high-risk performance elements (e.g., use of props, stage equipment).

  • Risk assessments will be reviewed annually or following any significant changes or incidents.


5. First Aid

  • Qualified first aiders will be on site during all classes and performances.

  • First aid kits will be available and maintained in all key areas.

  • All incidents requiring first aid will be recorded in the Incident Log.


6. Fire Safety

  • Fire risk assessments will be conducted and reviewed regularly.

  • Fire evacuation procedures will be displayed prominently and practised termly.

  • All staff and volunteers will be trained in fire safety procedures.


7. Safeguarding and Child Protection

  • A separate Safeguarding Policy is in place to protect children and young people.

  • All staff and volunteers working with young people will undergo enhanced DBS checks.


8. Equipment Safety

  • All equipment will be regularly inspected, maintained, and serviced.

  • Any damaged or faulty equipment will be removed from use immediately.

  • Students will be instructed on the safe use of any equipment.


9. Hygiene and Infection Control

  • Studios and common areas will be cleaned regularly.

  • Handwashing facilities and sanitiser will be provided.

  • Students and staff will be encouraged to practise good hygiene.

  • Any student or staff member feeling unwell should stay at home.


10. Accident Reporting

  • All accidents and incidents will be recorded in the Accident Log.

  • Serious incidents will be reported to the appropriate authority (e.g., RIDDOR).

  • Incident reports will be reviewed to identify patterns and implement preventive measures.


11. Visitors and Contractors

  • All visitors must sign in and out at reception.

  • Contractors must provide evidence of their health and safety procedures and be supervised when working on site.


12. Training

  • Health and safety training will be provided for all staff and volunteers.

  • Training needs will be reviewed annually or following changes to activities or legislation.


13. Local Neighbourhood Interaction

LastAct Ltd is committed to being a considerate and respectful member of the local Formby community. To minimise any disruption and maintain positive relationships with our neighbours:

  • Parking: Staff, parents, and visitors must use designated parking areas and avoid blocking driveways or causing inconvenience to residents. Clear signage will be provided to direct visitors to appropriate parking locations. Where possible, avoid parking on Marsh Brows and Granton Close.

  • Noise: Classes, rehearsals, and performances will be conducted with consideration for noise levels, particularly during early mornings or late evenings.

  • Communication: We will maintain open lines of communication with neighbours and address any concerns promptly. A contact number for the management team will be provided for any immediate issues.

  • Litter: The premises and surrounding areas will be kept clean and free of litter, with regular checks and waste disposal facilities provided.


14. Monitoring and Review

  • Health and safety procedures will be monitored regularly.

  • This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.


15. Contact Information

For any health and safety concerns, please contact:

  • Health and Safety Officer: Catherine Last, 01704 337 37

  • Emergency Services: 999

  • Non-Emergency Medical Advice: NHS 111


Approved by:

Catherine Last, Director and Greg Last, Director
Date: 14/01/2025

Next Review Date: 14/01/2026

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